Social Media and Anxiety Part Two

by | Oct 25, 2016 | Courage, Depression, Self Care | 0 comments

Social Media and Anxiety Part Two

The last blog post I wrote was about Social Media and anxiety. Since then, I have had numerous conversations with people about ‘unfollowing’ people, friends or organizations. It is a way to manage exposure to negative energy. So far this political season has taken a great toll on people. It is something that we should consider managing, because it can  lead to feeling anxious, depressed and afraid.

Is Changing Social Media Settings Enough?

How we deal with the anxiety, anger, sadness and fear that the political climate might be causing is important.  People come to counseling seeking stability in a world that can be hard to navigate. The news can sometimes intensify the instability that we are experiencing.

Asking for Help is a Sign of Strength

Breathing, changing your settings, and viewing photos of cats or dogs are all good options, but talking about it seems to be important for almost everyone I encounter these days.  At Joanna Ford Counseling, asking for help is a sign of strength.  Talk to a spiritual or religious guide, a counselor or a friend. Ask others what is helping them stay grounded during these stressful times.



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