Is Gratitude Enough?

by | Nov 28, 2016 | Anxiety, Courage, Depression, Mindfulness, Reflection, Seasons, Self Care | 0 comments

Is Gratitude Enough?

Gratitude. It is important to consider gratitude. We are quickly approaching December and our thoughts can turn to gifts, buying and receiving. There is great value in both acts. It can bring  joy to people. I see the real gifts every day.  The gifts we cannot buy in the store. Laughter, smiles, tears, understanding, resolve, love and friendship to name a few.

Gratitude During Challenging Times

It seems as a community, the world has many things to worry about. People experience challenges and suffering that can create feelings of being overwhelmed. Are we supposed to be both? Overwhelmed and grateful? Are we able to return kindness when we are not feeling particularly kind?

Can Gratitude Decrease Depression and Anxiety?

This is not easily answered.  I think it is a personal choice whether or not gratitude can be used to assist in decreasing depression or anxiety. I believe the gratitude is always with me, even when I am struggling. It may not be obvious on some days and I think that is okay.

003Thank You  If you are reading this, I do appreciate you and that I am able to share these words. The wise Alice Walker said: ‘Thank you’ is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.  This article in the Denver Post helps me understand the connection between gratitude and reducing anxiety and depression.


Denver Public Schools “Mindfulness” class teaches gratitude, appreciation of surroundings


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