

I am a counselor in Denver and this city, the people and all of the events happening right now impact me. While counseling is about the individual, we can’t get away from the fact that I have my own thoughts and feelings, which influence my approach.

Because of this, I think it’s important for you to know a little about me. To help with that understanding, I add posts and blogs about me as well as other important subjects such as depression, anxiety, aging, transitions, and the community. I also like to post about people who inspire me.

You’ll notice that you can search by subject or date. I hope the information will be helpful to you and your search for a counselor. I am happy to talk with you about any of these topics and to determine if I am good fit for you and your needs. Please email me or call.

Cell: 303-521-0731

Joanna Ford Counseling has Moved!!

Joanna Ford Counseling has Moved!!

I am excited to announce I have moved my office. I now see clients and hold groups at 825 East Speer Blvd. #100B, Denver, Colorado 80218.  

Free Hugs

Free Hugs

Grief, hopelessness, and despair. These are some of the words one could use when thinking about the state of the world. I believe we are all connected. The challenges that we face as human beings will never go away. How do we deal with these words, these feelings? I...

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

I was able to attend a six week training course on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is based on improving psychological flexibility through acceptance of thoughts instead of getting rid of thoughts. Mindfulness or being in...

Fall Forward

Fall Forward

The mornings are cooler, the days are shorter. Fall is greeting us every day. This transition to the new season can be tumultuous for some people. It is helpful to acknowledge these changes impact us.  We may turn inward to keep safe from the change.  I suggest making...

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

I attended a two day training for Dialectical Behavioral Training with Noeticus  Counseling Center.  I was drawn to this training because the DBT model is designed to help clients learn and practice basic tools for managing self-harming or self destructive behaviors,...

How to talk  about aging

How to talk about aging

This article is from the New York Times.  I like to talk about aging and what unique meaning it has for everyone. I think we can learn a great deal from the folks in this article.  Relationships change. Changes can be wonderful and challenging. Article such as this...

Recent Posts

May and My Mother In Law

May and My Mother in Law I think about my mother in law a lot. I have never met her and I never will. Sure, people share information about her. Not enough for me though. I  like to know what motivates people. What does not. What they think is beautiful and what scares...

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